Five Day Week Straw People | ja

The Weeknd(ザ・ウィークエンド) カナダはトロントで活動するエチオピア系男性シンガー/プロデューサーのエイベル・テスフェイ(Abel Tesfaye)によるR&Bプロジェクト。年、ブルーで、洗練されたサウンドのミニアルバム“House of Balloons”を無料公開してネット上で話題を呼び、ファンにより多数の非公式ミュージックビデオが作られるほどの人気に。 ドレイクとの共演、米人気ドラマのテーマ曲タイアップなども連続して決定するなど、スター候補の最右翼となっている。 .
For the artist "The Weeknd" please visit the weeknd 1) The Weekend From humble beginnings in the summer of 1995 when two young girls from London, Canada, Andrea Wasse (vox/guitar) and Lorien Jones (vox/bass) found kindred spirit Lincoln Cushman (keyboards) wandering the streets, The Weekend’s reason for existence has been to rock the tired masses. The Weekend's self-titled debut full-length record, produced by Andy Magoffin at the House of Miracles, contained ten sensational gems that did just that. The Weekend’s fresh-faced approach, infectious vocal harmonies, sweet keyboards, crunchy guitar and heartstring tugging lyrics have become a beacon of rock hope...
STYLE FIVE is group made of 5 fictional characters from anime series FREE! Members are: - Haruka Nanase{七瀬遙 (島﨑信長)}, voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki (島﨑信長), - Rin Matsuoka{松岡凛 (宮野真守)}, voiced by Mamoru Miyano (宮野真守), - Makoto Tachibana{橘真琴 (鈴木達央)}, voiced by Tatsuhisa Suzuki (鈴木達央), - Nagisa Hazuki{葉月渚 (代永翼)}, voiced by Tsubasa Yonaga (代永翼) - Rei Ryugazaki{竜ヶ崎怜 (平川大輔)}, voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa (平川大輔). They released 2 Singles, which main songs are sang as ending themes for both seasons of anime, ED of 1st season Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - SPLASH FREE , ED of 2nd season Free! - Eternal Summer- - FUTURE FISH....
フォスター・ザ・ピープル(Foster the People)は、アメリカカルフォルニア州ロサンゼルス出身のインディーポップバンド。 ’09年のバンド結成からわずか半年で世に公開され、世界最大級音楽ブログ集積サイト“The Hype Machine”を通じて拡散された最初のシングル「Pumped Up Kicks」が、米『SPIN』誌に「’11年のアンセム」と絶賛され、英『NME』誌には「ストロークスとヴァンパイア・ウィークエンドとMGMTとダフト・パンクによるバーベキュー・パーティでの出会い」と評され、そして全米オルタナティヴ・チャートでは1位を獲得。 2011年5月24日にそのシングルを収録したアルバム『Torches』をリリース。 .
There are at least four acts named Straw: 1) Straw are a band from Fife, Scotland. Formed in 2008 by Graham Munks (guitar, various instruments and backing vocals) and Gus Black (lead vocals,bass,various instruments) they were joined a year later by Derek Barclay on backing vocals and acoustic guitars. They released their first album 'Old ten ton' in June 2010 on recmusics' label. 2) New York-based rapper Straw, member of MC duo Team Arliss (created by, named after and almost exclusively produced by D-Block's Supa Mario,) alongside fellow rapper Trav. 3) Straw were a British pop band that released...
見つかりました 93 曲, デュレーション: 06:55:52
Five Day Week Straw People
Five Day Week Straw People (1967)
Five Day Week Straw People
Five Day Week Straw People
Five Day Week Straw People
01. Five Day Week Straw People
The Five Day Week Straw People
As My Love Is For You (Bonus Track)
Mr. Pinnodmy's Dilemma
Magic In The Air (1968, UK protopunk psych)