Coco Sumner | ja

A blend of Reggae, Hip-Hop and Punk from Goderich Ontario Canada. .
There are at least six bands called Cocoon: 1. Cocoon is a two-piece French band formed in 2006 by Mark Daumail (born 1984, composition, lead vocals, acoustic guitar, ukelele, banjo, beatbox, etc.) and Morgane Imbeaud (born 1987, vocal harmonies, keyboards, arrangements). "I wanted it to be a male-female duet. A duo like the White Stripes are in rock — we wanted to be the equivalent in folk music," Daumail says. Their songs are entirely sung in English. "French artists singing in English isn't something new. It goes back to groups like Les Thugs and Syd Matters," he remarks. Daumail says...
Dj / producer, mainly doing Skweee & Hip Hop and some 8bit & Dubstep stuff complemented by the occasional Rave tune. Residing in the south of the Netherlands. Also runs a small record label called Myor on which he releases vinyl & digital. .
Panteón Rococó is a mexican Latin-ska band formed in Mexico City, Mexico in 1995. Despite flourishing black markets, they sold thousands of records. While being stars in Mexico, they've been touring Europe the last three years in a row, especially Germany, where their European Label Übersee Records is located. Panteón Rococó blend several styles of popular music such as rock, punk, salsa, cumbia, mariachi, reggae, ska, and also mestizo music into a very energetic, groovy sound. As they are very political people and sympathize with the EZLN in Chiapas, some of their lyrics contain political statements, but many others are...