Bangor Flying Circus | ja

There are several bands called Circus. 1. Personnel: CHRIS BURROWS drums MEL COLLINS sax PHILIP GOODHAND-TAIT keyboads IAN JELFS guitar, vocals KIRK RIDDLE bas ALAN BUNN drums This band were first called The Stormeville Shakers. Their rare progressive album is now of minor interest to collectors. Mel Collins was later in King Crimson and Kokomo. Philip Goodhand-Tait had earlier recorded three 45s for Parlophone and after his spell with Circus he went on to record several solo albums. Chris Burrows had earlier played with Ray Anton and The Proform, and later had some involvement with Spirit Of John Morgan and...
TVバンド・オーディション番組 『平成名物TVイカすバンド天国』で初の5週連続勝ち抜けを達成、 90年4月にデビュー・シングル 「幸せであるように」でいきなりの大ブレイクを果たした 7人組ファンク・ロック・バンド、FLYING KIDS。 浜崎貴司(vo)が聴かせる力強くソウルフルな歌唱は、 当時の日本の音楽シーンでは非常に珍しく、 今にして思えば後のR&Bシンガー・ムーヴメントを先取りしていた感さえある。 また、伸びやかなメロディを作り出すセンスも抜群で、 初期にはファンク・ミュージックを前面に出した曲を中心に、 94年頃からは「恋の瞬間」「風の吹き抜ける場所へ」 「とまどいの時をこえて」等ポップ路線を取り入れていく。 その後も「暗闇でキッス~Kiss in the darkness~」 「ディスカバリー」などのスマッシュ・ヒットを連発していたが、 98年2月に惜しまれつつ解散。 その後、浜崎はソロ・アーティストとして精力的な活動を続け、 MCUとのスペシャル・ユニット、マツリルカを結成。 また、小峰理紗とのデュオ・ユニット、ハマザキコミネとしても活動を広げていく。 そして07年8月、『RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2007 in EZO』にて オリジナル・メンバー6人で男だらけのFLYING KIDSが再集結。 09年4月に復活シングル「ドマナツ」を発売、 9月には実に12年ぶりとなる待望のオリジナル・アルバム『エヴォリューション』をリリース。 .
The Flying Pickets was a British a cappella vocal group, known for a surprise number one hit in 1983 on the U.K. singles chart with their cover of the Yazoo's track "Only You". Their version, having peaked around Christmastime, is remembered fondly by many radio stations during the season. The name 'Flying Pickets' refers to mobile strikers who travel in order to join a picket. The group of six was founded by Brian Hibbard in 1982 based off of a group of actors called the "7:84 Theatre group", a fringe theatre group who had sung a capella in their production...
Babylon Circus is a ten piece ska and reggae group founded in 1995 in Lyon, France. Since forming, they have released four full - length albums and one EP. They have played over 1000 shows throughout Europe, and have toured as far as Syria and Australia. The band began as a ska group but quickly transcended the genre, mixing punk, reggae, rock, swing and jazz influences. They sing in both French and English, sometimes mixing the two in songs. Their third album, Dances of Resistance, was recorded in 2003 and largely has an anti-war theme. In 2009 they launched their...
A lot of things are different about EDEN CIRCUS. Being around for some years already, the quintet still focused on practicing in the rehearsal room to improve its skills in songwriting and defining its sound. With a clear direction, the musicians went the next step eventually and started playing live along with Nihiling, Zen Zebra, Galaxy Space Man, and Panama Picture. EDEN CIRCUS wanted to make sure to progress musically and to be ready to record a first album. Marula can be characterized to be post-metal, or post-rock, or prog. You also will find some reminiscence of nineties alternative. However,...