Allegra Gellar | ja

Bio from AG's Facebook: Allegra Gellar is named after the lead character in David Cronenberg’s 1999 film, eXistenZ, played by Jennifer Jason Leigh, and yes, purposefully spelled differently by one letter. Jeremy Wilkins and Denver Bon began using the band name, Allegra Gellar, in 2003 upon their arrival in Los Angeles. They previously played together in several Atlanta based bands, including underwater and rosewater elizabeth, but were starting over in a new city with a new sound. In 2003, they immediately began working on their debut, “The Make-Up Artist” (2004). Inspired heavily by bands like Death Cab for Cutie, The...
Allegra was born in Sao Paulo some years ago. She's writing her own songs (Lyrics and Music) and Bertrand Burgalat helps out with the production. She lives between London and Paris but her school is in the UK, that's why she sings in english. After several mounths, she finally released an EP with 5 tracks , it will be available on any digital store around the world and also a 7'' vinyl Tracks are Burger & Fries Chunky Monkey Tooth Fairy The man who sold the world (David Bowie Cover) Electric Chunky Monkey (Remix) .
見つかりました 2 曲, デュレーション: 09:25
Take My Breath Away (Berlin cover)