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Alias of techno artist Kenny Larkin. Also a common mistagging of the popular rock band P.O.D.

"There is a myth that evolved from behind the lush-green slopes of the earth, where the rocks revolve to the rhythm of tintinnabular chimes.
"Once, when the sand turned to storm, the wind vaunted in a thunderous rumination plucking all growth from the earth and planting their seeds in new ground. Ground in the midst of the longest drought.
"The land swelled. It was pleased with its new union. Though normally dry and insipid, it became wetter and more slippery. The docile land was alive and grew roots of monumental strength. From these roots grew a wondrous plant. A gold and silver rose, that gave off a delightful aroma and swayed to the sound of its own bells.
"The bells rang to the beat of ancient drums. The land vibrated. The plant jolted and the shell was broken, awakening a marvelous being. The being stretched and rose from the earth. And at last it could breath." .

