Zloty Dawai | it

Zloty Dawai is a Cologne/Germany centered group of improvisers. 5 people playing up to 3 e-guitars, bass, saxophone, keyboards, drums and many tiny little things. Their music traverses inbetween analog ambient spaces and dense noise-freakouts. You can download their latest releases at the dutch net-label WM Recordings: Zloty Dawai - Teleopsis Belzebuth (2005) Zloty Dawai - Dada Work Chant (2006) Zloty Dawai - Torso Apart (2011) Zloty Dawai @ Bandcamp Zloty Dawai @ MySpace Watch their video: "Jazz Nazis Must Die!" .
Trovato 19 canzoni, durata: 02:12:05
Floating Tank
Jazz Nazis Must Die
Methoden Des Prokrustes (feat. Erotika Torchure)
The Jar Of Tang
Shikata Ga Nai
The Day I Lost My Gravity Belt
Torso Apart
The Sow Must Go
Parallel Synchronized Randomness
The Jar Of Tang
Adsurb Peotry
Teleopsis belzebuth
Schädel (Geladen)
Wong Inc. Shutdown
W-Eichboson (feat. Stefan Ebel)
Squid In The Mouth