Unlimited Gravity | it

2 Unlimited era un duo musicale nato nel 1991 da un'idea dei produttori Jean-Paul DeCoster e Phil Wilde, provenienti dal Belgio. A formare il gruppo furono il rapper Ray Slijngaard e la cantante Anita Doth, e insieme riscossero un notevole successo per tutta la prima metà degli anni novanta, partecipando anche al Festivalbar 1993 e al Festivalbar 1994 in Italia, con le loro canzoni inserite nelle compilation del programma. Il gruppo si sciolse nel 1996 ma i produttori, che detenevano i diritti sul nome, formarono un nuovo duo con lo stesso nome, formato stavolta da due ragazze: Romy van Ooijen...
Solo project from Michael Pritzl, lead singer of The Violet Burning. Slightly more electronic. .
There are two groups with the name Time Unlimited: 1) About Time Unlimited / Orvil Smith Orvil Smith realized his love for singing at age 9 when he sang at the Ward Theatre in Kingston, Jamaica. He formed the group Time Unlimited at age 17 along with 3 other members: the late Junior Delgado, Gosford Manning, and Hugh Marshall. Time Unlimited, truly unlimited, is still putting together exquisite songs in 2008. They currently have a video called "Just Can't Stay" getting good rotation in Jamaica. Also current is the skillfully crafted lover's rock, "Love Made Us" which is destined to...
J. Lynn Johnston - Vocals James Lee Barlow - Guitar, Keyboard, Backing Vocals Anthony "Bosco" Boscarini - Guitar, Piano, Keyboards Ben Froehlich - Bass Jake Fowler - Drums They had the talent, the vision, the enthusiasm of musicians discovering intuitive connections with each other. They even had a mailing list -- some two thousand supporters, based on the combined lists of several members. Just one thing was missing: the name. For two months or so, they wrestled with all sorts of possibilities; none really captured the emerging personality of the group. So J. Lynn decided to look through his old...