Tino van der Sman | it

Quinten van den Berg (born September 21, 1985), better known by his stage name Quintino, is a Dutch DJ and record producer. His music is mostly electro house. His most popular songs include his remix of "Rap das Armas', 'Selecta', 'Go Hard' and 'Fatality'. In 2014 he was named No. 86 in the Top 100 DJs list put out by the DJ Magazine. Music career Quintino explored a wide variety of artists and music, before he got behind the turntables. Once he finished school, he realized that the DJ profession is his greatest passion and started doing gigs at various...
Josephine "Yeng" Constantino, born on December 4, 1988, is a Filipina singer and host. Yeng won the title of "Grand Star Dreamer" in Pinoy Dream Academy, the Philippine edition of Endemol's reality TV show Star Academy. After winning the said title, Star Records launched Yeng's debut album entitled "Salamat", containing 10 songs, of which 7 were Yeng's original compositions. Her album reached "Gold" two weeks after its release and was later certified "Platinum" after a month, followed by a "3x Platinum" certification after several months of release. When Star Records saw the undeniable potential of the preppy-rocker, they instantly produced...
Pat Martino è probabilmente l’unico chitarrista che abbia imparato due volte a suonare il suo strumento. La prima volta era un adolescente dotatissimo ed aveva, dice Pat, “il desiderio di andare d’accordo con gli adulti”. La seconda volta il sodalizio con la chitarra è stato il risultato della sua lotta contro l’amnesia, dopo un aneurisma al cervello che gli è quasi costato la vita e che l’ha lasciato privo delle sue conoscenze musicali. Progressivamente il vuoto è stato riempito da una voglia immensa di imparare di nuovo, che Martino descrive come la ricerca spirituale dell’origine proseguita per “godere la ricchezza...
Jonas Rathsman was born in 1980 and raised far from urban vanity, neon lights and contemporary club culture in a small village in Western Sweden. Music was always central in his adolescence, but the true passion for music would come later in life. At the age of 18, after moving to the Manchester of Sweden – Gothenburg – he started organizing parties and clubs and quickly rose in the underground hierarchy of Sweden's 2d largest city. Within short he was a household name in Gothenburg, which gave him access to a more musically seasoned audience. It was during this time...
There are multiple musicians/bands under the same name. 1.) Valentino -- Pop-rock group from Sarajevo "Valentino" was founded in 1982. Group founder was the lead guitarist and songwriter Zijo Rizvanbegović - Valentino. Zijo posted an advertisement in "Oslobođenje" (Sarajevo daily newspaper) looking for a lead singer and found Suad Jakirlić - Jaka. Valentino was a favorite of Goran Bregović, so they toured together with Bijelo Dugme. Goran Bregović played guitar on Valentino 1st album for a song "Pazi na Ritam". The Hit Song from that album was the song "Volim te još" (I still love you). Second album was titled...