The Sunflower Spectacle | it

There are several Sunflower artists here. This description is about the jazz rock band. Sunflower is a rock band from Leicester, United Kingdom, with influences from jazz and funk styles. Tom Hackwell (Guitar and Vocals) Kate Fowkes (Saxophone & Piano) Ben Le Grice (Bass Guitar) Mark Cardwell (Drums & Percussion) They released their eponymous debut on March 18th, 2010 Sunflower was also a band from Austin, TX in the mid 1990s. They released two albums New Territory and Round Trip. A third Sunflower is an electronica/ambient act, including the full track "Sunflower." The album "Welcome Silence" is of Native...
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) The Spectacle was a hardcore punk band from Bodø, Norway. They had a truly unique sound, combining elements from many of the most powerful and passionate subgenres of hardcore and other types of music, from heavy crust to emotional hardcore to long Godspeed You! Black Emperor-style instrumental passages. A strong anti-capitalist message could be found in their lyrics, and the band released albums through the anarchist CrimethInc. Ex-Workers’ Collective. The band took their name from the book «La Société du spectacle» by situationist theorist, Guy Debord. The band consisted of...
Gold Spectacles are a baroque-pop duo based in London, UK. Formed in 2012, it is the collaborative venture of two British songwriter/producers. Drawing on an eclectic range of musical influences from Paul Simon to Phoenix, Gold Spectacles write sample-based alternative pop music. .