The Beloved | it

Band alternative rock/ melodic hardcore formatasi nel 1999 a Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Caratteristica del loro suono era la presenza di 3 chitarre e l'alternarsi tra il cantato melodico del cantante/chitarrista Josh Moore con lo scream del batterista Joe Musten. Nel 2000 fecero uscire "...And so it goes", il loro primo album autoprodotto; 2 anni dopo rilasciarono "The Running EP" su Vindicated Records, ancora adolescenti, catturando l'attenzione della Solid State Records che nell'estate del 2002 fece uscire la ristampa dell'EP. Cambiarono il loro stile verso sonorità melodic hardcore, mantenendo però una forte influenza rock, e nel 2003 rilasciarono il loro album...
The Beloved (in Italia, e successivamente ovunque, soltanto Beloved - pronunciato correttamente quasi come si scrive /biloved/ ma in italiano più comunemente come nell'inglese colloquiale /bilavd/ o più scorrettamente /bilovd/) sono un gruppo musicale britannico di musica pop rock / new wave, inizialmente, e dance elettronica / synthpop / acid house ed electropop o technopop (gli ultimi due termini utilizzati, rispettivamente, nel Nuovo Millennio e negli anni novanta, a indicare il medesimo genere di musica elettronica - cfr. la voce elettropop), successivamente. Tra il 1986 e oggi, come quartetto, come duo maschile, oppure come duo misto, hanno inciso dischi per...
From official website: Poets to their Beloved were formed when Saskia and Marcel first met in 2003 on a Brendan Perry workshop. Both had travelled to Ireland following their musical hearts on their quest for new musical influences. It was there on the magical green Island that they discovered a musical connection, a strong sparkle, which they would later bring back with them to the Netherlands and Germany. This sparkle could not be tamed by distance and Marcel rapidly wrote an instrumental piece for Saskia called Love. She returned it to Marcel with full lyrics and vocals, thus making...
Forming in 1963 as The Intruders and later known as The Quinstrells they became known as The Dearly Beloved in late '65 and were Tucson's most popular '60s band. Shortly after their name change Dan Gates, a DJ from a local radio station KTKT came along with the tape of a song called Peep Peep Pop Pop. The group were not at all keen at first but eventually he persuaded them to record it at the Audio Sound Recorders Studio in Phoenix and a record deal was negotiated with the New Mexico-based Boyd label. They got the band's name wrong...
My Beloved are a Danish instrumental rock band that combine a dark ambience sound in a post-rock style; in their own words they describe themselves as an "Instrumental Music Noir" band. They formed around 1996-1997 in Copenhagen by guitarist Iver Ask Overgaard, drummer Danny Søndergaard, bass player Zani Talevski and pianist/synth-player Lars Kivig. Recording for their fifth studio album began in September 2015. Discography: The Album (2000) Servant of Secret Places (2003) On Happiness Hill (2005) Force Feeding Love (2008) SOIL (2012) Upcoming album (TBA) Their debut-album simply called "THE ALBUM" was released in 2000 and includes nine tracks plus...