The Amelia Premiere | it

Amelia Cuni was born in Milan, Italy and lived in India for more than 10 years learning dhrupad singing from renowned masters (i.e. Rahim Fahimuddin Dagar, Bidur Mallik and Pandit Dilip Chandra Vedi). She also studied kathak dance and pakhawaj drumming. Amelia started performing internationally in 1987. Since 1992, Amelia Cuni is based in Berlin, Germany. She has recorded for radio and TV productions, and her music is featured on several solo CDs and collaborations. Amelia's projects are of traditional and experimental orientation as well. She collaborates with artists from various backgrounds (early and new music, electronica, ambient, experimental, jazz,...
Pamelia Kurstin (born Pamelia Stickney May 28, 1976 in Southern California) is a world-renowned thereminist who has played and recorded with such prestigious artists as David Byrne and Béla Fleck and the Flecktones and has performed on the television show Saturday Night Live. Her musical training on the upright bass has led to her unique "walking bass" theremin technique. Until recently (late 2005) working out of New York City, she now lives in Vienna, Austria. She was first recorded on the album Gymnopedie in 2000 as a member of the theremin/keyboard duo called "The Kurstins" with her then-husband, keyboardist Greg...
Jamelia Niela Davis (Birmingham, 11 gennaio 1981) è una cantante britannica. Precoce nel suo talento musicale, a soli 15 anni si presenta alla casa discografica Parlophone con i testi delle sue canzoni, dimostrando di avere un grande carattere ed una grande determinazione, la casa discografica rimane impressionata dai suoi brani a cappella e le fa subito firmare un contratto, dopo 3 anni escono i suoi primi singoli: Thinking 'Bout You e Call Me. Nel 2006 pubblica il suo terzo album Walk with me, anticipato dal singolo Something about you. L'album contiene una collaborazione esclusiva con Afrika Bambaataa nel brano Do...
Amelia is Dead formed in the fall of 2009. After only a few months, the band had written a solid set, and were poised to hit the road in support of their debut EP, "The Beautiful Suicide". The band played its first show on April 2nd, 2010 in Sayre, PA. the next couple months saw them share the stage with national act Dead By Wednesday, Burning Human, The Empire Shall Fall and many more. in July, Amelia is Dead won a slow on the Vans Warped Tour in Buffalo. The band entered the studio again in September, recording a follow...
Amelia is an American band, founded in Portland, Oregon in fall 2011. Their playing style is melodic and unique, which takes its form from a five different people point of view. Speaking of musical genre, it's something between metalcore and melodic death metal, with a influence from mathcore and deathcore. Currently AMELIA members are practicing in rehearsals in their studio called "AmeliaStudio" which is located in Rīga, Latvia – experimenting with sound, equipment and everything else. To book a show - write or call: e-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +371 29991603 or +371 27121171 .