Switchblade Suzie | it

Strawberry Switchblade was a new wave duo from Glasgow, Scotland, UK, formed in 1981 by Rose McDowall and Jill Bryson. Bonded during the Glasgow punk scene of the late 1970s, first as friends, then as bandmates. With their distinctive style (garish colours, polka-dots and a slight geisha influence) already intact they formed Strawberry Switchblade (named after a never-released Orange Juice song and quickly aborted fanzine) in the early 80s. After signing to Warners they moved to London, and released the single Trees And Flowers in June 1983. Deceptively pretty, while actually written about Jill's agoraphobia, it topped the indie charts...
Rock•-and-roll (räk''n rol') ; noun; popular music usually played on electronically amplified instruments and characterized by a persistent heavily accented beat, repetition of phrases and often country, folk and blues elements. A page torn from the dictionary can’t begin to define the spirit of rock and roll exuded by Toronto native Suzie McNeil and her sophomore solo effort, the fittingly titled Rock-n-Roller. Loaded with eleven tracks that run the gamut from the insatiably catchy first single "Let’s Go" to the chugging, break-up ball-buster "Free," Rock-n-Roller is the product of Suzie’s fierce attitude, independent spirit and furious determination to have the...
1) Suzie is a funk pop project from Minneapolis, Minnesota, fronted by Mark Ritsema of Night Moves and featuring members of Carroll and Hot Freaks. Their first album, Born Single was released on September 4th, 2014, by No Problem Records. 2) Suzie, sixties pop singer, born 1946 as Martina Carina Peereboom, in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Teenage singer who recorded in German (hits: Johnny Loves Me, Du gehst vorbei), Swedish, Dutch. She stopped recording in 1967 and settled in Sweden. .
Switchblade Kittens is a girlcentric power indie pop punk three girl, one guy band with 4 bass players and a vocalist. Besides the regular bass sound, the band's sound is topped by the modified basses, the Bass-o-rama, which sounds like a guitar, the Bass-o-la. The "Bass-o-la" is used to create a keyboard/viola-type sound for the third bass. The fourth bass sounds like a full drum set. Switchblade Kittens came crashing onto the music scene with their punk rock cover of everyone’s favorite Titanic theme, “My Heart Will Go On”. This iceberg inspired hit hardly caused the Kittens to sink, instead...