Sandra Hurtado-Ròs | it

Esiste più di un artista con questo nome: 1) Cassandra De Rosa, artista italiana. 2) Progetto musicale italiano fondato nel 1996 a Rovereto. 3) Band black metal italiana fondata a Torino. 4) Band hardcore italiana fondata nel 2002. 5) Band thrash metal giapponese fondata nel 1990. 6) Cassandra Raffaele, concorrente di X Factor 4. 7)Duo Sludge formado no início de 2014 na cidade de Curitiba por Daniel Silveira (baixo e voz) e Karina D´Alessandre (Bateria). Cassandra é inspirada na personagem mitológica que previa tragédias após ser amaldiçoada e por fim morrer como louca. Dentre as Influências, passa pelo Dark Ambience...
Sandra Cross a native of South London, Sandra Cross is the only girl among seven brothers. She started singing in the Pentecostal Church and led the choir when she was nine. At 14, she recorded with a friend as Love & Unity. The recording was the first prize for winning a talent show with a song Sandra wrote entitled “I Adore You.” Released on Studio 76 Records, it was #1 on Britain’s reggae chart for four straight weeks in 1979; They followed with three top five-hits: “I Just Don’t Care,” “I Can’t Let You Go,” and “Put It On,” before...
Aleksandra Kovač (Aлександра Ковач) is a singer, songwriter, arranger, and producer from Serbia. She began to play the piano and write and perform her music at the age of 15, which is also when she and her younger sister, Kristina, formed the band K2 and signed their first contract with a management company from London, Mismanagement (clients include Supertramp, Rod Steward and Chris De Burgh). They went to London to support Labi Sifre on tour, and performed in many famous clubs in London, such as 'Mean Fiddler', 'The Orange', and 'Tea Room des Artistes'. In 1993, Errol Brown (the former...
ALESSANDRA LEÃO is a Brazilian singer and percussionist, born in Pernambuco. She was a founder of the band Comadre Fulorzinha. She began a solo career in 2006. .