Sabar Koti | it

sekotis has been working on his solo electronic music project in his home studio since 2001. His music is inspired by an array of influences ranging from Aphex Twin to Godflesh, giving him an eclectic and distinctive style. During the time sekotis has been recording, his use of equipment has expanded allowing him to combine both the organic & electronic. By utilising his liberal guitar playing with hypnotic beats and playful melodies he has created mesmerising sounds. In contrast his music explores darker elements with heavily distorted samples & bass generating sinister soundscapes. .
Montreal-based Eldad Tsabary composes and performs in a variety of styles including contemporary, experimental, acousmatic and sound art. His works, in all styles, are created with the concepts of fluidity and constant motion in mind and utilize unusual field recordings as well as noise and musical content. Tsabary's works have been performed by the Bulgarian Philharmonic, Cygnus Ensemble, Hagai Rehavia, and Haim Avitsur as well as by himself and were presented in venues and festivals such as Carnegie Hall, CCRMA, and the Burning Man Festival among many others. His music is published by Editions BIM (Switzerland) and released on ERMMedia,...