Outlaw Order | it

Il Primo Gruppo che ha firmato un contratto con la Arista di Clive Davis, lavora in Florida e le loro prime uscite discografiche prodotte da Paul A. Rothchild hanno destato un certo interesse "The Outlaws" sono una band "southern rock"- "country-rock" americana formata nel 1972 dai chitarristi solisti Hughie Thomasson Junior e Billy Jones, dalla chitarra acustica e voce Henry Paul, il bassista Frank O'Keefe alla batteria troviamo Monty Yoho. Buoni Lavori sono gli album di esordio nel 1974 con "The Outlaws" e "Lady In Waiting" dopo questi il suono melense prese il sopravvento nella produzione musicale della Band. Solo...
New Order è una band Synthpop formatasi a Manchester, UK, nel 1980 dalle ceneri dei Joy Division, il cui cantante, Ian Curtis, si suicidò il 18 maggio del 1980. Pur mantenendo inizialmente un'impronta musicale molto aderente alle cifre stilistiche della precedente formazione, d'altra parte per 3/4 uguale alla nuova, i New Order svilupparono presto un loro sound distintivo, affrancandosi dall'immaginario più "dark" e new wave dei Joy Division ed approdando ad una cifra più electro, dance e pop. Finiranno per rappresentare in qualche modo l'opposta faccia dell'inferno curtisiano, sublimandolo verso un eden di comunicabilità e coloratissime intuizioni. Ancora indecisi sulle...
There are two bands named The Order. 1) Hard Rock/Metal band from Switzerland. 2) RAC/Viking Rock band from Wales. A project of Celtic Warrior's members. 1)Born in Swiss (2004) from an idea of the guitarist Bruno Spring. During October 2005 they recorded their debut album SON OF ARMAGEDDON at Little Creek Studios in Gelterkinden with GURD Mastermind V.O. Pulver wich was mastered in April 2006 by swiss mastering-guru Glenn Miller at Greenwood-Studios and will see the light of day on June 23rd, 2006 finally through the Hamburg based label Dockyard 1. But neither expect thrash metal nor mellow alternative rock...
1) Borderland is a 5 piece pop-punk band from South Shore, Mass. Originating in early 2008, the name of the band was originally Cullen. The line-up at this time consisted of Matt Gleason (Vocals) Chris Pina (Guitar) Marty Shannon (Bass) and Kevin Annand (Drums). Shortly after they renamed themselves Borderland (Yes, after the State-Park) After a few line-up changes the bands present line-up consists of Brian McKenna (Vocals) Kevin Annand (Guitar) Chris Pina (Guitar) Marty Shannon (Bass) and Kevin Merriam (Drums) They have a growing local fan base; make sure you check them out at www.myspace.com/borderlandma 2) Borderland is a...
Borderlands is a Portuguese band from Lisbon, Portugal, formed in August of 2012. Borderlands was formed in 2012 by guitarists Rui Terruta & Hugo Capelo and drummer Cristovão "Kiki" Monteiro, classmates from EPI School. Nuno Silva (schoolmate) joined the band as vocals when the band was first recording their self-made EP, and Yuri José joined the band shortly after. They released their Debut EP in November 2012, called "Awaken Dreamers", available for download (Free) on their facebook page. The band is a joint venture between members of underground bands, such as “From Royal Hill”, “Death Circus” , “Came from Avalon”...