Nelson Ned | it

Nelson Riddle cominciò sin da giovane a suonare il trombone in varie orchestre, concludendo la sua carriera di strumentista nell'orchestra di Tommy Dorsey tra il 1943 e il 1945. Riddle non fu mai un trombonista di particolari doti: si rivelò invece molto versato nell'arrangiamento e nella composizione. Prese perciò lezioni di arrangiamento e composizione da Bill Finegan, già arrangiatore di Glenn Miller, e dal compositore italiano Mario Castelnuovo Tedesco che, fuggito dall'Italia nel 1938 a causa delle leggi razziali, si era trasferito a Los Angeles con la famiglia. All'inizio degli anni cinquanta cominciò a scrivere per diverse orchestre. Furono gli...
Hawk Nelson was formed in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada in 2003 by Jason Dunn, Dave Clark, Matt Paige, and Daniel Biro. The band played independently in Peterborough, Ontario for a few years before they signed with Tooth and Nail Records, largely on the recommendation of Trevor McNevan, the lead singer of fellow Tooth and Nail bands Thousand Foot Krutch and FM Static. McNevan, also from Peterborough, is credited with discovering the band. In July of 2004, Hawk Nelson released their major label debut Letters to the President. It was produced by Aaron Sprinkle and McNevan, who also co-wrote the album's fourteen...
Bill Nelson (born William Nelson on December 18, 1948) is a prolific guitarist, songwriter, painter and experimental musician from Wakefield, Yorkshire, England. Nelson was educated at the Wakefield College of Art, where he developed an interest in the work of poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau. At this time he was also developing as a musician, drawing upon Duane Eddy as a primary guitar influence. His first recording was a brief contribution on an album entitled "A-Austr" with Chris Coombs, Brian Calvert and Mike Levon . Mike recorded and produced the album "A-Austr: Musics from the Holyground" which appeard on Holyground...
Oliver Nelson (Saint Louis, 4 giugno 1932 – Los Angeles, 28 ottobre 1975) è stato un sassofonista, clarinettista e compositore statunitense di musica jazz. Suo fratello, sassofonista, suona con Cootie Williams negli anni quaranta e sua sorella canta e suona il pianoforte. Lui comincia all’età di sei anni a suonare il pianoforte ed all’età di undici anni comincia a suonare il sassofono. Nel 1947 comincia a suonare in band nei dintorni di Saint Louis prima di unirsi alla big band di Louis Jordan nel 1950 e nel 1951 suonando il sassofono contralto e provvedendo agli arrangiamenti. Dopo il servizio militare...
Nelson Freitas is born and raised in the Netherlands, with creativity and talent he constantly tries to refresh the world of Zouk music. Barely a teenager, Freitas learned to entertain through the art of hip-hop and throughout the years the flexibility of his talent allowed him to flow with changing vibes of the music industry. Once a break-dancer, then the front man of the infamous group Quatro Plus, a producer, a writer, a singer, engineer and now he is the owner of GhettoZouk Music, a label created by Nelson Freitas with artists as Chelsy Shantel & William araujo. With his...