Krvavi Protokol | it

Formed in 2004 Boston's Protokoll combine luxurious synth-pop melodies with shoegaze inspired guitar swells, backed with a juggernaut rhythm section. While there's no mistaking that this is pop music, these are not pop musicians Their influences draw as much from British Guitar Pop bands of the 80's as they do from the New York Post-Punk and No Wave scene of the same decade. They exhibit a raw, urgent sound reminiscent of Chameleons UK and the Sound, but with a heaviness that can only be modern. They have played extensively throughout the US and UK with artists such as: Gary Numan,...
Krvavi Protokol (Blood Protocol), was a band from Belgrade formed in 1990, and active to 1993/94. The first demo su withProparco place in 1990, published a su 1992 for the album "Take it or leave it". Svirali su u svim tadasnjim znacajnim BG clubs - SKC, Academy, Masinac, Dom omladine, Dadov ... .