Kid Romance | it

My Chemical Romance era un gruppo Alternative Rock statunitense formatosi a Newark, New Jersey nel 2001, scioltosi il 22 marzo 2013. La storia dei MCR inizia già ai tempi della scuola, i ragazzi infatti erano amici da allora, anni in cui, i futuri membri dei My Chemical Romance ebbero alcune esperienze in band locali senza però trovare mai una formazione che li appagasse pienamente. Finita la scuola, ognuno prese una strada diversa, qualcuno continuò con gli studi, altri iniziarono a lavorare, mantenendo però sempre stretti contatti. Gerard racconta: "Stavo facendo animazione a New York city, vivendo con mia madre quando...
Bad Romance was a Tennessee band fronted by a vocalist Joanna Dean. Band Members: Joanna Dean - vocals and guitar Steve Eriks - guitar and vocals Jackie Vincent - bass and vocals Roger Cox - drums, percussion and vocals .
Kneuklid Romance were: Yutaka - Vocals Kenichi - Guitar Takuya - Guitar Tatsuya - Bass Gaz - Drums .
In the post punk fallout of 1978, four spiky haired teenagers under the guidance of the dubiously debonair Roy Pierson, come together as the group 4th Reich and make their debut at The Marquee supporting the UK Subs. During 1979 they support the UK Subs on their Stranglehold tour, appear in the film 'Punk Can Take It' and change their name to Manufactured Romance. In 1980 they become a five piece with Bob Moore on lead guitar and sign to Fresh Records. Playing to full houses everywhere, they release Time Of My Life which breaks into the indie charts, headline...
Non-In-Universe History: The Victorian Wizarding Romance Society is a collaborative project about the in-universe history of the Harry Potter books between several wizard rockers, who keep their identities secret in order to keep the "realism" of the project. In-Universe History: Hogwarts at the end of the 19th Century was in a precarious state under the leadership of Phineas Nigellus, so a small group of rebels formed a secret society. The identity of the musicians is lost to the ages, but it appears that it was a project between many different students over a period of several years. The group set...