Joy Wants Eternity | it

There are eleven bands by the name of Eternity. Argentina (2) USA (2) Spain (1) Finland (1) Italy (1) Norway (1) Greece (1) Germany (1) Slovenia (1) ----- Eternity(Deu) originally formed in 1994. Their lyrical themes include, but may not be limited to: death, destruction, mass-murder, and violence. They have released 2 known demos in 1995 and 1997, respectively; and 4 split EPs between 1997 and 2003. Their debut full-length album "...and the Gruesome returns with every Night" was released in August of 2004 (W.T.C. Productions); a vinyl version was released by Blut & Eisen Prod. In October of 2004,...
Justin Warfield (voce, chitarra e tastiera) e Adam Bravin (basso, tastiera, synth, drum machine, percussioni e voce) formano i She Wants Revenge darkwave band proveniente da Los Angeles. Le loro sonorità non possono che rimandare ai Bauhaus e The Cure per le atmosfere cupe che riescono a creare. Anche i testi, particolarmente curati e spesso vere e proprie poesie, contribuiscono ad accrescere il valore del loro lavoro. Tra le altre influenze si possono certamente citare i Depeche Mode, The Sister Of Mercy, New Order e Bauhaus, il tutto per un gruppo che mescola post-punk, new wave e dance. .
Trees of Eternity came into being when Juha Raivio (Swallow the Sun) and Sweden based singer Aleah got together in the latter part of 2008 to work on a song for the upcoming STS album. The plan was to to feature Aleah’s vocals on part of a song already prepared by Juha, but when they instead began to experiment with a vocal line Aleah had written for the occasion the session quickly headed off in a new direction and the project took on a life on its own. Since then several more songs have been written and roughly produced, but...
Progetto solista di atmospheric black metal che ha vita in Sicilia nel 2000 per volere di Andrea Tilenni. I testi trattano essenzialmente temi come la misantropia, la malinconia, l'occulto e il misticismo. Discografia 2001 - Funeral Mass (demo) 2005 - Toward The Castle 2006 - Spirit of Sorrow 2006 - Ancient Symbolism 2007 - Funeral Mass .
There is multiple definitions: 1. Touch Of Eternity is a melodic death metal / doom metal band from Finland, known by its personal way to combine those two genres. Touch of Eternity was formed on August 2010 by two musicians, who started their studies at Kaustinen's college of music at the same time. Those two, Ollipekka Toimela and Riku Laajala eventually ended up gathering a full line-up and start making something very original. The line-up was quickly filled, due to progressing around the music college areas. Faster than anyone could have thought, had Touch of Eternity composed four tracks full...