Joseph Winiarski | it

Puerto Rican Joseph Fonseca started getting involved in the local scene after joining los Sabrosos del Merengue. He sang and danced with the group for five years, finally deciding to take the first step to become a solo artist, leaving the band while Manny Manuelle took his place. In 2000, Joseph Fonseca recorded his debut album called Noches de Fantasia, released by Karen Music, featuring the hit single "Jardín Prohibido." Nacido en Bogotá el 29 de mayo de 1979, Fonseca se interesó por la música desde muy temprana edad. A los doce hizo su primer experimento componiendo un tema que...
Featuring Field Music, Kathryn Williams, The Futureheads and The Golden Virgins . Anthony Joseph Lanman, a native of Houston, Texas, received his BM in composition at the University of Texas, and an MM and DM in composition from Indiana University. Mr. Lanman was lucky enough to be taught and inspired by Adam Holzman (classical guitar), Dan Welcher (composition), Nigel North (renaissance lute) and Sven-David Sandström (composition). Mr. Lanman is also an active performer on both the classical guitar and 8-string electric guitar. Mr. Lanman has been commissioned by such diverse ensembles as Duo46, the Noné Trio, the Strung Out Trio, the California EAR Unit, the Oregon Bach Festival for the group...
Joseph Martin Kraus soprannominato il Mozart di Odenwald (Miltenberg, 20 giugno 1756 – Stoccolma, 15 dicembre 1792) è stato un compositore tedesco. Fu maestro di cappella alla corte del re di Svezia Gustavo III e direttore dell'Accademia musicale reale svedese (Kungliga Musikaliska Akademien).Il catalogo delle opere di Kraus redatto da Bertil van Boer conta più di 200 composizioni. Van Boer divide la musica sacra di Kraus in due periodi. Il primo, dal 1768 al 1777 comprende musiche scritte per la liturgia cattolica. Nel secondo, dal 1778 alla morte, Kraus, pur rimanendo cattolico, scrisse per il culto luterano. All'epoca, in Svezia,...
Composer of C64 and Amiga game music. He has also composed game music of multiple titles on other consoles, including Game Gear, Game Boy and Super NES. Richard sadly passed away on March 4th, 2007 after having fought his cancer for several months. .