Johnny and the Rest | it

This page represents 2 bands: a stoner band and a hardcore/metal band from the H8000-region (old school). Firestone is a stoner band from Örebro, Sweden. They toured as a warm-up band for Dio, Alice Cooper and RATT on their tour through Sweden in early 2000. There are two EPs out to date: Mexicon (2001) and Stonebeliever (2002). They also appeared on the excellent stoner split Fuzzsplit Of The Century (2003) from Fuzzorama Records. They had one song on the stoner collection The Ultimate Fuzzcollection vol. ONE (2004), also from Fuzzorama Records. The song featured on tUFC vol.1 is actually a...
Johnny Cash, alla nascita J. R. Cash (Kingsland, 26 febbraio 1932 – Nashville, 12 settembre 2003), è uno dei maggiori musicisti rock e country del ventesimo secolo. Nato a Kingsland (Arkansas, USA), da una numerosa e povera famiglia di contadini dell'Arkansas, Cash aiuta da bambino i genitori nella coltivazione del cotone in un piccolo appezzamento di terreno fornito dal governo in seguito al "New Deal". Cash riferira' di avere sangue indiano nelle vene, fatto mai provato. Si appassiona alla musica attraverso i canti in chiesa e l'ascolto del country alla radio. Nel 1950, si arruola in aviazione e compie una...
Johnny Rebel was the pseudonym of cajun country musician Clifford Joseph Trahan (September 25, 1938 – September 3, 2016), also known as Pee Wee Trahan. His songs frequently used the term 'nigger' and voiced sympathy for the KKK. Nearly all his songs were anti-black and anti racial-integration. .
Restart (or RestArt) is the name of more than one artist: 1) Brazilian teen pop band 2) artist on 'Give Daddy the Knife' label 3) Italian artist RestArt 1) Restart was a Brazilian pop rock/power pop band formed in São Paulo, Brazil, in August 2008. The band was made up of members Pedro Lanza (Pe Lanza), Pedro Lucas (Pe Lu), Lucas Kobayashi (Koba) and Thomas Alexander (Thomas). They was best known for their colourful visual style and upbeat songs. Song structure and lyrics are mainly simple and their music tend to be catchy pop. They acquired demigod-status in the Brazilian...