Gender Wayang Pemarwan | it

GENDER makes original and quality electronic pop. The band was formed in 2002 by the two childhood friends Johan Friman and Jesper Henke. In 2004 GENDER released their first record, the GENDER EP, with influences from genres as disco, techno and synthpop. In 2005 the band released Help Crush GENDER, a record which took the sound close to new romantic electropop. GENDER are currently working with material to a forthcoming album which will be released in 2007. .
GENDER ID are a Russian electrorock band formed by Gene (ex-T-Lazarus) in January 2006. He invited his close friends Alice and Daniel to complete the line-up in February 2006. The project became popular in its hometown Saint-Petersburg immediately after their first gig. It was acclaimed to be a manifestation of brand-new youthful energy. Throughout 2006 Gender ID were recording their debut album and played more than 20 gigs including the best Russian electronic festival Stereoleto. Their shows are known for incredible live sound, crazy dancing and provocative texts. .
formerly dead girlfriends elite gymnastics is no more. default genders is the new ethereal synth-laden project of james brooks. his ep can be bought here. the artwork for it was done by his (not) dead girlfriend claire. .
THE GENDERS was an excellent band from the city of Tel Aviv (Israel) that edited several works with an exceptional quality. Its style was a mix between punk, hardcore and garage. This work was its demo debut but it seems a true great professionl album in all senses. After it comes 4 albums and finally the change of name. After their have changed the name by the "BAD DATE" until now (2013). .