Click Clack | it

Francesco Tumeo nasce il 24 Ottobre del 1980, e comincia il suo viaggio nell'elettronica all'età di sette anni, quando compra la sua prima tastiera e i trackers per scrivere musica con il leggendario Commodore 64. Evolvendosi più velocemente della tecnica, passa dalla Commodore all'Intel, costruendosi il suo primo personal computer, ma non butta via niente anzi ama circondarsi di modernariato tecnologico ad uso musicale, fra cui un vecchio campionatore hardware che preferisce ai moderni software per la lunga rituale preparazione il cui uso richiede. Riempie il suo studio di oggetti misteriosi e si inventa musiche mai ascoltate prima. Il nome...
Click-B were first formed as a seven member group in 1999. The "click" represents that they will be a hit, a success, while the "B" stands for "boys". They released three albums and one special album under Daesang Entertainment (DSP), the same company as FinKL and Sechskies. They had several popular songs such as "Exit (For Your Way)", "Baek Jun Moo Pae", and the ever popular "To Be Continued". In 2002 the band split, with four group members remaining, and released their fourth album with the hit single "Cowboy". In 2004 they formed a temporary group with J-Walk, a duo...
Double-Click, the HOTTEST act on the progressive scene today, are producers Avi Levi (aka Ultravoice), Gaddy Marian (aka Dj Bog / Visual Paradox) & Solly Noama (aka DJ Solly / Visual Paradox). The three need no introduction; for close to a decade they have been topping the international scene. These busy, versatile creatures hold under their belt numerous track releases, remixes, albums, compilations & collaborations released all over the globe. Having created many timeless music pieces, with smashing beats and lightning fast sounds and over years of running on the biggest dancefloors, the three wanted to kick back a little...