Bonfire Madigan | it

I Bonfire nascono nel 1972 come Cacumen e nel 1986 cambiano nome appena prima della pubblicazione del loro disco d'esordio Don't Touch the Light, che utilizzava gli standard hard rock degli Scorpions rivitalizzandoli in chiave class metal. Il secondo lavoro uscì già nel 1987, si chiamava Fireworks e si avvalse della produzione di Michael Wagener e del contributo nel songwriting di Desmond Child, Jack Ponti e Joe Lynn Turner. Il disco fu molto gradito dai rockers di mezzo mondo, tanto che raggiunse le 100.000 copie vendute, e vide la band impegnata in una parte del tour '88 dei Judas Priest....
Bonfire Madigan play baroque-folk punk grounded on frontwoman Madigan Shive's soaring lullaby vocals and virtuoso cello skills. Shive, a master of tone and mood, crafts songs with raw, emotional melodies and powerful, unexpected dynamics. .
1- Madigan is an Italo Disco act, that was produced by Frankie Vaccari, Gigi Maini and Raff Todesco. Madigan recorded the hit "Ice Cold Love" and "Chance". 2- Madigan is a pop band that recorded the album "Time Till The End" in 1999. 3- Madigan is Madigan Shive. .
Just a few years ago, KATHLEEN MADIGAN was working as a waitress and journalist in St. Louis, Missouri. Now, Madigan has filmed her own Half Hour comedy special for HBO, and has been honored with the title and recognition few comedians experience, winner of "Best Female Stand-up Comedian" at the American Comedy Awards. She has appeared on the The Late Show with David Letterman, made numerous appearances on The Tonight Show, starred on the Bob Hope's NBC Special "Ladies of Laughter," was a featured performer on HBO's "Women of the Night" and on CBS's "NFL Comedy Jam." Having no intention...