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Lucio Dalla (Bologna, 4 marzo 1943 – Montreux, 1º marzo 2012) è stato un cantautore e attore italiano. Sul piano musicale è stato uno dei piú affermati cantautori italiani, considerando la continuità della sua carriera che sfiora i 50 anni di attività artistica. Musicista di formazione jazz, riscopertosi poi autore dei testi delle sue canzoni in una fase matura, ha suonato da clarinettista e sassofonista e, talvolta, da tastierista. La sua produzione musicale ha attraversato numerose fasi, dalla stagione beat alla sperimentazione ritmica e musicale, fino alla canzone d’autore, arrivando a varcare i confini della lirica e della melodia italiana....
There are at least 6 artists by this name: an indie pop band from Estonia; hard rock artist from San Fracisco, CA; the frontman of Fat Freddy's Drop; a punk-pop trio from the north of England and an electro pop band from Belgium 1) Dallas was an indie pop band from Estonia. They formed in Tallinn in 1991 and disbanded in 2003 - soon after singer Kristi Kindel decided to leave the band just before the launch of their last album Delay Lama. Their major recordings include: - "Easy listening - Dallas meets Zahir", 1994. A split-tape, Dallas' EP-material on...
Though they have only few fans outside Japan, Vasalla is probably SIN's most significant project and had been active from almost all the 90s. Sin played in Vasalla from its foundation in 1991 and left with the other guitarist Shun for personal reasons in 1999. After that Vasalla, who had always been mainly a metal act despire their look, adopted a more romantic sound, closer to gothic and visual kei. The new lineup released three singles and then disbanded due to Hideki's health problems. Vocal - hideki Vasalla→ retired  Guitar - Rinne LAZY-SLEAZY→IL’NAIGE→WITH SEXY→HYSTERIC BLAME→Vasalla→SICK→ナナイロ   Guitar -kaie Material Slave→Romance for~→WITH...
Kallabris is the project of Michael Anacker. Active since 1986, its work has been described as ‘electro-acoustic chamber music’ — a description which should be taken literally. Anacker’s main interest is a reflection on the electro-mechanical conditions of sound recording presented in everyday recording devices such as cheap home computers, dictaphones and answering machines. Thus, he is not interested in the limits of musical styles but in the limitations of sound (re)production. .
Callalily is a Filipino pop-rock band. They released their first album, Destination XYZ, in 2006 with hit singles like "Stars", "Take My Hand", "Magbalik", and "Pasan". From the record label that produced the country's top great bands like Cueshé, 6cyclemind, and Brownman Revival, Sony BMG Music Entertainment introduces another discovery that will set another trend in the music scene in the band "Callalily" armed with their debut album "Destination XYZ." Their first single "Stars" is fast-gaining heavy airplay on top radio stations and its music video can now be seen on favorite music channels. "Stars" was a successful single, peaking...