Alain Mion | it

Due sono gli eventi che hanno forgiato la vita e la carriera di Alain Souchon: la morte del padre in un incidente nel quale anche l’allora quindicenne Alain fu coinvolto, e l’incontro con il produttore ed autore Laurent Voulzy. Fra i due eventi si colloca la grande passione di Souchon per la musica, i suoi primi timidi tentativi di imporsi (con un paio di 45 giri purtroppo di nessun successo) e la sua tendenza a chiudersidentro un proprio universo di riflessione. Sarà “L’Amour 1830”, nato dalla collaborazione con Voulzy, ad imporlo al grande pubblico francese e - in tono minore...
One of Germany's most important producers during the '90s, Mijk Van Dijk recorded an abundance of early techno/trance classics under the aliases Microglobe, Mindgear, and Marmion. A bassist for several funk bands during the early '80s, Van Dijk moved to Berlin later in the decade to work as a journalist and began producing house tracks in 1988. Two years later, he issued the "Hate" single, recorded for Low Spirit as LoopZone. An alliance with fellow Berlin producer/DJ Tanith resulted in a 1991 LoopZone EP (What Is Noise?) as well as singles under Tanith's name and as 9-10-Boy. By 1992, the...
Damion Romero is a Los Angeles based practitioner of power acoustics and intense low-level sound manipulation. He has recorded as Speculum Fight, and collaborated with MSBR, Astro, Spencer Yeh, and many more. He has also been running the P-Tapes label since 1992. He is a consistent source of fascinating buzz and drone and somehow manages to translate inherently physical and spatial sound amazingly onto analog and digitally recorded media. .
Alain TURBAN est né à Montmartre le 14 décembre 1947. Ce sagittaire ascendant sagittaire a eu une enfance ponctuée entre la Basilique du Sacré-coeur et l'église Saint Pierre de Montmartre. Son jardin d'enfance... "le Square de la Butte Montmartre". Un village en plein coeur de Paris, comme il se plaît à le dire. Comment oublier cette Mamie d'adoption, une des figures emblématiques de ce quartier de Paris... Comment oublier cette belle tranche de vie.Petit Poulbot parmi tant d'autres, des bancs de la Communale au sirop de la rue, avait-il déjà l'âme et le coeur sans domicile fixe. Des places publiques...