3 Miles From Here | it

GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE is a Japanese pop male dance & vocal group signed to rhythm zone label and LDH,Inc. agency. All members attended EXPG dance & vocal school prior their debut. Major debut on November 21/2012 with their first single “BRAVE IT OUT”. GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE belongs to LDH, the same company as EXILE. Member of EXILE, Hiro, produced. Group changed their name in Jan 2013 from GENERATIONS to GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE. Members: -Shirahama Alan (Performer) -Katayose Ryota (Vocal & Performer) -Kazuhara Ryuto (Vocal & Performer) -Komori Hayato (Performer) -Sano Reo (Performer) -Sekiguchi Mandy (Performer) -Nakatsuka Yuta...
Miles Dewey Davis III (Alton, 26 maggio 1926 – Santa Monica, 28 settembre 1991) è stato un compositore e trombettista jazz statunitense, considerato uno dei piú influenti, innovativi ed originali musicisti del XX secolo. È molto difficile disconoscere a Davis un ruolo di innovatore e genio musicale. Dotato di uno stile inconfondibile ed una incomparabile gamma espressiva, per quasi trent’anni Miles Davis è stato una figura chiave del jazz e della musica popolare del XX secolo in generale. Dopo aver preso parte alla rivoluzione bebop, egli fu fondatore di numerosi stili jazz, fra cui il cool jazz, l’hard bop, il...
There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Progressive Rock band from Stockholm, Sweden. The nucleus of the band was formed in 2008, but it took until 2010 for the full band to coalesce. Their debut single Bridges was released on August 20th of that year. In December of 2011, they released the first version of their Christmas song The Twelve Days of of Progmas, which to date has had over 50,000 hits on Youtube. After a series of unfortunate events, including accidents and some turnover of personnel, the band is back in full force as of fall 2013, preparing...
Joseph Foreman (Los Angeles, 28 luglio 1974) è un rapper statunitense. Da adolescente, Afroman si trasferisce a Palmdale, sempre in California, e successivamente ad Hattiesburg nel Mississippi. La sua canzone piú conosciuta è del 2001, intitolata «Because I Got High», brano parodico sui problemi legati al consumo di cannabis, che conquista una grande popolaritá grazie a Napster, al passaggio in diverse radio locali, alla presenza nel programma radiofonico di Howard Stern ed alla presenza nella colonna sonora del film “Jay & Silent Bob... Fermate Hollywood!”. Un’altra delle sue piú popolari canzoni, «Crazy Rap», anch’essa salita alla ribalta grazie ai programmi...
Miles Away is an Australian hardcore punk band from Perth, Western Australia, formed in 2002. Miles Away was formed in mid-2002 by Andre and Monty who had a bunch of songs they wanted to use for an old school hardcore band. They then drafted in Chris Unsworth, the drummer from Monty's other band Alleged and Perth stalwart/enigma Dion, formerly of Boredumb and From the Ruins to play the bass. Cavechest joined up on vocals in late 2002 to complete the puzzle. At this time the band was going under the name Burning Bridges, until they found a US band with...