Тол Мириам | id

Tol is an alternative/rock band from (based in) Kyiv, Ukraine. May, 22nd, 2003 was the day, when chain-reaction of TOL (short for trinitroTOLuene) massive blasts begun. Five young musicians from different cities of Ukraine triggered it. The name TOL reflects the very essence of the explosive and heavy alternative music produced by the band. Their lyrics are about the external struggles people have in both the private world of one’s Ukrainian language and Russian experiences. This is some of what Prozorov writes. TOL’s lyrics don’t contain a normal lexicon or vulgarity, but rather a unique expression of one’s emotions. Music...
Тол Мириам (Tol Miriam) is a russian folk-rock band formed in 2002 by its lyricist and vocalist Elena Hanpira. Band's official site is tolmiriam.ru. .