Νίκος Μακρόπουλος | id

Nikos Ksidakis (Greek: Νίκος Ξυδάκης) (1952 - ) is a Greek composer-musician. He was born in Cairo, Egypt. He lived there until 1963, when he came to Athens. His music is largely affected by Egyptian and generally Middle-East music. He recorded his first LP "Τhe revenge of beggarliness" (Greek: "Η εκδίκηση της γυφτιάς") in 1978 with lyricist Manolis Rasoulis (Greek: Μανώλης Ρασούλης) and singers Nikos Papazoglou (Greek: Νίκος Παπάζογλου), Demetres Kontogiannes (Greek: Δημήτρης Κοντογιάννης) and Sofia Diamanti (Greek: Σοφία Διαμαντή). This collaboration continued next year (1979) with the release of the album "Ta dithen" (Greek: "Τα δήθεν"). The innovation of...
Νίκος Ξυλούρης {Nikos Xylouris/Xilouris/Ksilouris} (7 July 1936 - 8 February 1980), also known as Ψαρονίκος, was a Greek composer and singer from the village of Anoghia in Crete. He is the elder brother of two other great musicians of Cretan music, Antonis Xilouris or Psarantonis, and Yannis Xilouris or Psaroyannis. He was part of the movement against the Greek military Junta of 1967. His songs and music captured and described the Greek psyche and demeanor. When he was five years old his village, Anoghia, was burned down by the Germans and he had to leave together with the other residents...