urbain autopsy | id

Awaiting The Autopsy is a slamming brutal death metal band from Münster, Germany. They formed in 2007 by Ulli (Vocals), Briel (Guitars) and Chris (Drums, Poostew, Corporectomy) to play some of the sickest brutal death metal being made on this planet. The band do this well with their crushing guitars, blasting catchy drum patterns and guttural to high screamed vocals like Begging for incest meets Guttural Secrete. The band set to work immediately with a 2-song demo "Eight Girls Instead of Nine" in 2007 via Amputated Vein Records which boosted their career in the underground because of the hyped up...
Annotations of an Autopsy is a deathcore band from the UK, influenced by bands such as Morbid Angel, Decapitated, Devourment, Deeds of Flesh, Crowbar and Pantera. AOAA were formed in 2006 and have released two albums (2008's "Before the Throne of Infection" and 2010's "The Reign of Darkness"), as well as two EPs (2007's "Welcome to Sludge City" and 2011's "Dark Days"). On January 18th 2010, they released their 2nd full length album entitled "The Reign of Darkness" on Nuclear Blast records, which sees them taking a more traditional death metal approach to writing. However the band has reverted to...
Over the past year, Fit For An Autopsy has grown into a monster. With a few member changes and a new outlook on the music they want to create, FFAA will carve their name into the backs of every venue they play. New singer Nate Johnson, (former member of Deadwater Drowning, Premonitions of War, Since the Flood, and many others), bass player Seth (ex-Acacia Strain), drummer Brian (ex-Forgetting Tomorrow) along with original members Will (ex-Signed With Hate, Forgetting Tomorrow, Nothing Left To Mourn), and Pat (ex-Shattered Realm, Nothing Left To Mourn) on guitar, Fit For An Autopsy is complete. If...
Luc Bonin, avant d'être Urbain Desbois, est d'abord un multi-instrumentiste (guitare, piano, basse, batterie, violoncelle, etc) formé au fil de ses nombreuses collaborations. Il entre en contact pour la première fois avec les poètes dans les années 80, en tant que musicien accompagnateur pour les mythiques soirées de poésie organisées par Janou St-Denis. Il joint par la suite les rangs du groupe Rythm Activism à titre de bassiste. C'est au cours des sept années de tournées canadiennes, européennes et américaines du groupe que naît secrètement en lui le désir de composer et d'écrire des chansons de son propre cru. Urbain...
Ditemukan 124 lagu, durasi: 07:33:02
C'est La Valse A Mozart
Noël Fouêtar
Have U Seen Love
Balance Et Arlequin
Overtune Unit
Talk Of (H)Sitrib People
The Chess Of Death
Boring Night Club
Cockpit In Flames
Pierre En Rit
le millionnaire ii
Down In Lab
Down In Lab
Enterrez Vos Enfants
To The Garden
I See Things
A Prayer To Sleep
Alors ! Heureuse ?
Waking During Operation
Talk Of (H)Sitrib People
Future World
Time To Leave
Ouverture En C
Le Maitre Du Monde
Sur Le Declin
Hommage À Pierre Henrya
Aimez-Vous La Soupe ?
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Enterrez Vos Enfants
Boredom Ruins
M. Charles, Regardez-Moi Dans Les Yeux
Le Baron Perché
Larry Le Maudit
Boredom Ruins
Waking During Operation