Wits End | id

THE FUCKWITS are a 4-piece 77-sounding punk rock band from Sheffield. They played their first gig 3 years ago with Lightyear and have since played with One Man Army, The Slits, The Rezillos, The Buzzcocks, The Damned, The Vibrators, 999, Ed Tudor-Pole, [spunge], Jesse James, Selfish Cunt, Dogs, Cazals, amongst others, throughout the UK. .
Benno Moiseiwitsch (22 February 1890 - 9 April 1963) was a pianist. Born in Odessa, Ukraine, Moiseiwitsch began his studies at age seven at the Odessa Music Academy. He won the Anton Rubinstein Prize when he was just nine years old. He later took lessons from Theodor Leschetizky in Vienna. He first appeared in London in 1909 and made his American debut in 1919. He settled in England and took British citizenship in 1937. Moiseiwitsch was made a Commander of the British Empire in 1946, for his consistent contributions during the Second World War, performing hundreds of recitals to servicemen...
Willy Millowitsch (*8. Januar 1909 in Cologne, Germany; † 20. September 1999 in Cologne) was a popular german actor. .
HOUWITSER plays Death Metal in the classic sense, bottom heavy, blasting but with a slight groove, complete with lyrics of gore and murder. They are a Dutch band that was formed in 1997 by members of SINISTER; Aad, Mike, Michel and Theo from JUDGEMENT DAY. In that same year HOUWITSER recorded a promo with 6 songs and in June 1998, HOUWITSER signed to a Dutch record label: Displeased Records Their debut "Death...But Not Buried" was released in the spring of 1999 and got great reviews all over the world. Before recording their next album HOUWITSER parted from singer Mike and...