Vexi Salmi | id

vexion (never capitalized) is the outdated solo moniker of Aaron Munson, who is best known as the Canadian half of the IDM act Ilkae. It was used exclusively for music which was released online in the impulse tracker file format (.it) between 1999 and 2002. Some tracks originally released as vexion later appeared on the ilkae release 'pistachio island.' See also vga host for a collaboration with wwcarpen/ aghost. .
There are 2 bands with the same name, a German Black Metal and an Italian Power Metal band (which would tour with Rhapsody over Europe on 2011) 1) The German Black Metal one - man project by F. Nachzehrer - everything (Mensch Schmerz Interaktion, Moriturus/Regnum, Torch of War (Ger), Weltenkampf) 2) Italian band (the photo is from that band): The Vexillum born in Pisa in September 2004, from an idea of Michele “Firespit” Gasparri (Voice and Guitar) and Luca “Akira” Torelli (Guitar) with the name of Shadow Vexillum. Just after, Alessandro “AC” Cariboni at the Drums and Luca “Liuck” Masi...
Vexing Souls started in 2007 as a husband and wife duo . . . the result of many years of musical experimentation by Steve Burris. Incorporating heavy guitar, bass, keyboards and drum machines, the music took on a melodic-metal sound with gothic influences. It's good and creepy! Steve constructed a home-studio in order to focus on creating his own unique style of original music. The clean, melodic vocals and thought-provoking lyrics are written and performed by Judy Burris. Many of the songs have a double meaning, so listen closely and see if you can pick them out. After the release...
One of the most gifted comedians from Finlandia along Pertti "Spede" Pasanen and Vesa-Matti "Vesku" Loiri. Simo Salminen is also a baker and champion of Finlandia in clown water-jump. .