Thronebreaker The Witcher Tales OST | id

Time of Tales is Polish Folk metal band founded 2009 in Mielec. Members: Bartosz Majerski - Bass Grzegorz Słomba - Guitars (lead), Vocals Tomasz Frask - Guitars (rhythm) Piotrek - Drums Piotr Występek - Tin whistle, Irish flute .
This band has two albums as of 2006. The second is here. .
Formed in 2007, Aarhus based in Denmark, Tales of Murder and Dust plays a dark, experimental mixture of psychedelic rock and shoegaze wrapped in a cinematic sound merging noisy guitars, violin, organ and sitar. Discography: Peyote [EP] (2009) Hallucination of Beauty (2012) (album) Skeleton Flowers (2013) (EP) .
The Tattle Tales are a Power Pop/Pop Punk band from the New York/New Jersey area. They hail from Nyack, NY. They released a full-length CD called Hearts in Tune in 2007 on Japanese label Power Pop Academy. On June 14th 2010, they released an EP called Moon Glasses which was released in the US, Japan, Finland and the UK. The band consists of Christian Stefos (vox and lead guitar), Anya Kaats (vox and keyboard), Tim Kauffeld (Fender guitar and carb eater), Mike Ineedajob (Bass and grad school), and Eric Dryburgh (Drums and asian-ness). The Tattle Tales enjoy long walks on...
Los Vegetales fue un grupo de música punk español, más conocido por canciones suyas que grabaron otras bandas que por sus grabaciones. Formado en 1985 por Juan Carlos Aured ("Kid Guindilla", voz y guitarra solista), Mauro Canut ("Bazoka Nut", guitarra) y Nacho Canut ("Chili Taco", bajo) como un grupo para hacer de teloneros de sus héroes, Los Nikis. No llegaron a publicar ningún trabajo, aunque se sabe que grabaron en 1993 un álbum que nunca se llegó a editar. En 1996, la discográfica Subterfuge lanzó al mercado una recopilación con todas sus maquetas (una de 1985, dos de 1986, una...