The History Of Colour TV | id

There are multiple artists on this page. 1. HISTORY is a 5-member South Korean group formed in 2013, under LOEN Entertainment. They debuted on April 26th, 2013 with their first single album “Dreamer”. The group consists of Jang Yijeong (main vocal), Na Dokyun (main vocal), Kim Jaeho (sub-vocal and rapper), Song Kyungil (leader, sub-vocal, rapper) and Kim Sihyoung (rapper). 2. History is a 3-piece instrumental group located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They have one album “Love? My Dear, You Kiss Like A Hedonist” and are currently writing and playing around the midwest. 3. Similarly enamored of atmospherics, History rocks to...
Epic Rap Battles of History is a Youtube sensation by Nice Peter and Epic lloyd. The whole concept is that the watchers can suggest two persons that they want to see in a rap battle. In the videos they have for example featured Justin Bieber, Gandalf, Adolf Hitler, Darth Vader, Stephen Hawking, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Albert Einstein, Easter Bunny etc. Nice Peter and Epic Lloyd Ahlquist are usually acting the characters, yet they've had numerous guests like DeStorm and MC Mr Napkins. You can see what they have done on their website . Colours Of Bubbles – tai trys žodžiai, i kuriuos sutelpa keturi Šiaulių ir Pasvalio gatvėse užaugę pacanai. Šiauliai jau kelias dešimtis metų vadinami Lietuvos Manchesteriu, todėl turbūt nenuostabu, kad į Axis, Brainers ir Bix grupių gretas stojo ir prieš trejus metus susikūrusi grupe COB. Paulius (bosas, vokalas) studijuoja muzikos technologijas, busimas garso režisierius. Simas (būgnai) - turbūt ir jam pačiam visados išliks paslaptis kodėl jis nusprendė būt inžinieriumi. Tomas (gitara) – busimas kino, muzikos vadybininkas. Julijus (gitara, vokalas) - nesąmonė. Paulius studijuoja Kaune, Simas – Šiauliuose, na o Tomas ir Julijus didžiąją laiko dalį praleidžia studijose Vilniuje. Kad ir...
Ditemukan 49 lagu, durasi: 03:50:13
Everything That Stood Still
Granite Verge of Tears
Puzzle in me [The history of colour TV remix]
August Twenty First
Granite Verge of Tears
Everything That Stood Still
I Keep Seeing People I Think I Know
I Knew It Was Wrong But I Did It Anyway
I Was One and Suddenly I Was Many
As Grey as Park Can Be
A Question of Nothing
Yr Arms Can Stretch
The People Who Are Close to You
I Knew It Was Wrong But I Did It Anyway
I Came to This Town