Suni McGrath | id

There are two artists by the name Michael McGrath. 1. Country / Rock Music Songwriter (Active 2014 to Present) 2. A Tony Award-winning American stage actor. 1. Michael comes from a family of musicians, and is the seventh of eight children. His father, who played jazz clubs in Chicago, had a major musical influence on him in his early years. Michael began playing drums at the age of 6 and immediately became obsessed. While pursuing a Bachelors of Economics at Mississippi State University, he began touring with regional rock bands: playing drums and co-writing songs. Michael also started competing and...
Mark McGrath is the singer of alternative pop band Sugar Ray .
Sunil is a singer/songwriter from Troy, MI. He lives there with his wife. He was recently the leader of the band the Low Hello. Sunil has one EP out, called Tenille, and another one in the works. His official website/blog can be found at Sunil also runs a "fake" "record" "label" called Part Time Songs... Pretty much all of his music he's ever recorded is available for free download at .
1."Dublin born guitarist John McGrath’s debut EP of solo acoustic instrumentals combines static drones, glitches, and contemporary techniques with rich harmonics and intricate fingerpicking. His versatile, experimental approach, reminiscent of Jim O’Rourke, Christian Fennesz, and Marc Ribot, pushes at the boundaries of new guitar music and the UK avant folk scene. McGrath recently supported Richard Dawson and performed with Rhys Chatham and Dustin Wong." - THE WIRE .