Prisa Adinda | id

Sakke Paavola - Vocals Joonas Paananen - Guitar Tuomas Kauppinen - Guitar Tuppu Kumpulainen - Bass Ville Halonen - Drums Biography: Reprisal Scars was born in the fall of 2003 in Jyväskylä, Finland when four employees of club Lutakko decided to form a band. The first demo was released just a few months later in January 2004. Due to positive feedback the band decided to write more material and after intensive training and a few line-up changes later their second demo, Evidence saw daylight in the year 2005. The demo appeared to be a minor hit, it sold over 1000...
There are two bands called Reprisal 1) Vegan straight edge metalcore band from Italy (1996 - 2003) 2) Thrash Metal band from Surrey/Berkshire, England (2011-onwards) .