Necrotic Disgorgement | id

Disgorgement of Intestinal Lymphatic Suppuration is a goregrind band from France . .
Necrotic Disgorgement is a brutal death metal band from USA. They formed in 2003 by guitarists Ben Deskins and Tony Tipton. Both were previously founding members of OH’s REGURGITATION, who formed in 1995 & released a demo and critically acclaimed full length "tales of necrophilia" on Ablated Records in 1999. Although material was already written intended for the 2nd Regurgitation full length... due to the numerous lineup changes associated with that band they decided to start fresh with a new band + name. The intention was to build on the established Regurgitation sound, and further solidify themselves as one of...
a death metal band from Quebec, Canada that was formed in 1991. The band was previously called Disaster (Can) until sometime in 1991 when they changed their name. They reunited in 2007 to play one show in honour of the 25 years of Metal scene in Québec and participated in the 1996 compilation "Noël dans la rue vol.1" with the track "Ça bergers". They released two demos, an Advanced Tape in 1992 and "Sepulchre of the Suffering" in 1993, and two EPs, "The Realm of Human Illusion " in 1995 and "Necrotic Mutation" in 1999. myspace - .