Kim Sanders | id

Brandon Sanderson was born in December of 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. As a child Brandon enjoyed reading, but he lost interest in the types of titles often suggested for him, and by junior high he never cracked a book if he could help it. This all changed in 8th grade when an astute teacher, Mrs. Reader, gave Brandon Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly. Brandon thoroughly enjoyed this book, and went in search of anything similar. He discovered such authors as David Eddings, Melanie Rawn, Robert Jordan, Anne McCaffrey, and Orson Scott Card. Brandon continued to be an avid reader through junior...
"To call this outing "authentic" would be an understatement, given that Bill Laswell and Pharoah Sanders took only some digital recording equipment and Sanders' saxophone to Morocco to record it...the recording took place in someone's home with a large cast of musicians, many of whom are Ghania's family members. The recording did not suffer at all from the mobile equipment, and The Trance of Seven Colors lives up to its title, giving the listener first-hand access to Gnawa healing ceremonial music. Ghania's Guimbri (an African instrument) unravels masterful, off-kilter, bass-like lines over chanting and various percussion instruments. Pharoah Sanders sounds...
There are two performers called Richard Sanderson. One is a pop singer and composer popular in Europe, the other is an experimental musician based in London. 1. Richard Sanderson (born 5 March 1953, Taplow) is a British singer. He was born in England, with a scottish father playing drums and a french mother playing the accordion. Sanderson began playing piano from age five and picked up guitar at age 15. He is best known for his song "Reality", which was the title theme to the soundtrack to the 1980 film La Boum. The song became a hit in Europe in...