Healing Sixes | id

Transcendence is the debut album for The Healing. It comes from a place of exploration and drive, a learning process and a dream. This self-produced EP displays an expansive palette of texture and color in a metal package. Self Produced EP. Recorded by Kris Garant and Joe Garant. Mixed/Mastered by Kris Garant. Videos created by Kris Garant. Artwork for the EP was done by Kyle Anderson of The Afterimage and Galleon Creative. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1. Doom/Sludge metal band from Los Angeles, CA, founded in 2016. Bandcamp 2. The longest enduring, since the 90s, is Experimental/Industrial/Noise effort SIXES from San Diego/Oakland, CA - Ryan Jencks (R. Jencks), also of Deathroes, formerly of Crash Worship. http://crashworship.net/lextalion 3. More recently there is a Hardcore/Punk band from Olympia, WA. starting around 2008 www.oursound.net Download the new tape: http://www.mediafire.com/?3epu63485tq9m3s 4. There is also a Screamo/Metal band from Oklahoma called Sixes, starting around 2003. .
Seven major figures from the art-punk, free-jazz, brutal prog, improvisational and modern jazz world come together for a ROCKING tribute to the unfairly ignored, misunderstood and vilified late period works of Albert Ayler. These late period songs have always seemed to me like they may have been some of the most personally spritually resonant for Ayler, but the musicians and the culture of the late 1960s were possibly not able to successfully translate and perform his concept of spirituality, free jazz, boogaloo, nursery rhythms, marching bands, blues and r'n'b, and certainly the free-jazz following public was not ready to accept...
Damien LaVey - voice, vision, necrophilia Killswitch - guitars, homicide Whiskey - bass, backing vocals, dismemberment Konnyaku - drums, corpse disposal Originally created as a studio project by Damien LaVey in 1998, local imprint Universal Sign Records released the debut “Possession” CD on Halloween, 1999. LaVey auditioned dozens of musicians before deciding on the select three, which would make up his “Live Assassination Crew” and perform the much-emphasized live show during the Invert 2001 Vertical Sports Carnival in Irvine, CA on October 6th, 2001. Shortly after, THREE SIXES “Lord of the Dead” became an instant favorite and was used in...
Ditemukan 14 lagu, durasi: 53:20
The Half Life
08 Fine Time
Make You Learn
Heal Our Mind (Original Mix)
SoWhat? [Prod. Heal]
Six Thoughts Away from Clarity
Six Roads to Silent Peace
Six Streets to Calm Retreat
Six Whispers of the Cosmos