DC Slater | id

Luke Slater is a very prolific recording artist from the UK working under several pseudonyms making a wide variety of electronic music. His story begins at the Mi Price record store, Croydon, where he worked alongside Colin Dale (no introductions necessary) and Alan Sage (recording partner-to-be) and moved on to Jelly Jam Records of Brighton where his recording career really began. Luke's vinyl debut was unleashed in 1989 under the Translucent moniker entitled "Momentary Vision". Released only as a white label it stood out for the fact that it was Detroit influenced and at the time the dancefloors rocked to...
DC Slater is from New York USA DC Slater is a guitarist with amazing technical control over his instrument, as well as an exceptionally accurate sense for both rhythm and pitch. At age sixteen, guitarist DC Slater was influenced by the playing styles of two rock guitar legends: Edward Van Halen and Joe Satriani. He spent his remaining high school years playing guitar religiously while laying the groundwork for his own style, based heavily on lengthy legato runs and tapping techniques. He quickly became known amongst his peers and instructors for his technical control over the instrument, as well as...
Ashley was born in Schefferville, Quebec, Canada, in 1961. He emigrated to England in 1977, where he joined the regimental band of the Royal Scots. He served in the army for 6 1/2 years. After leaving, he worked in England and Europe as a session trombonist, working with, among others, Carla Bley, George Russell and Andy Sheppard. In the late 80s Slater released his first album on Antilles (Island) with the band Microgroove. The band were proto-funk rockers, with a large live following and an electric tuba in the line-up! In 1993, Slater began working with Norman Cook on the...