Chancho En Piedra | id

Pedropiedra is the artistic name for Pedro Subercaseaux, born in Santiago Chile, 17th April 1977. He is a singer, song writer, multi instrumentalist and producer. His first solo work is just been edited independently. He is an active and founding member of CHC and has worked previously with Hermanos Brothers (wining a Latin MTV award for best independent video/song), and Jorge Gonzalez (former Prisioneros and current Updates) among other artists. Also he has produced records for several Hip-Hop numbers in Chile and composed music for film scores. .
Chancho en Piedra is a Chilean Funk-Rock band, considered influential in the popularization of alternative rock in Latin America. The group's name is taken from a popular Chilean sauce, literally translated as "pig in stone," made with tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, salt, cumin, and olive oil, often served in a stone bowl in the shape of a pig. They are known for their unique sound and goofy style. In 1995 they released their first CD titled "Peor es mascar lauchas, roughly translated to "anything is better than nothing at all," a pre-emptive excuse for those who did not like the...
La Fachada de Piedra is a 6 piece Mexican band with 2 guitarists. Cream influenced bluesy underground blows you away. All English vocals, original songs, effects, screaming guitars like Clapton & Peter Green in best action with Hendrix style drugout Psychedelic. UPDATE: The band was never a six piece band,first we were four,and then when Tony went back to the U.S.we became a five piece band,wanna know more?contact me,I can prove it,and we are all alive,I'm still playing in Guadalajara,at a bar by the name of Blackbeard's,Tony is in Palo Alto,teaching guitar,playing with his band and doing studio work,Mark lives...