Brenna MacCrimmon | id

Will Brennan currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia; where he can be found exclusively in the studio. Motivation is not a problem for 24 year old Brennan. He is full of energy, determination, and heart; bringing inspiration to all he meets. That same charisma flows into his music.... .
DJ and producer with releases on Modal, Balihu, Bear Funk, Jet Set Records and his own label, Chinatown. .
Brenna Sahatjian has songs sprouting in her stomach. She plays original folk tunes involving guitar, cello, and piano, and is part of Riot-Folk, a radical collective of folk musicians. She is noted for her unique guitar style, the dense poetry of her lyrics, and multi-instrumental recordings on which she accompanies herself. She's joined members of the Riot-Folk collective on several US tours, including Pedal to the People, a bicycle-music tour through Missouri with Adhamh Roland. She's recorded and put out two discs on her own, Crude but Lucid (2005) and To Each Idle Arrow (2006). Her latest, Dream Warriors (2007),...