Amora Savant | id

Coalo Zamorano nació el 26 de Octubre de 1972 en Guadalajara Jal, México, es el segundo de 3 hermanos del matrimonio de Juan y Laura Zamorano. Después de varios cambios de residencia en diferentes ciudades de México y por razones de trabajo del papá de Coalo, esta familia llegó a la ciudad de Durango, México, en el año de 1986 en medio de una crisis familiar vivida por ellos hasta entonces; pleitos entre los padres, gritos, problemas, falta de comunicación y otros. Al poco tiempo en su nuevo domicilio, Coalo se topó en la calle con un vecino, el cual...
With the ever-expanding sound of Conjunto music, it might not be too unusual to hear a young accordionist talk about melding the accordion styles of Paulino Bemal and Steve Jordan. But spice that tradition with the funk/punk gyrations of the. Red Hot Chili Peppers and the metallic rage of Poison and you've got a sound that speaks more directly to the Latino youth today. As a singer, songwriter and accordionist for the Corpus Christi based group TALENTO, 25 year old Albert Zamora has found the key to creating a style that is exciting, youthful and powerfully defiant. For over 4...
Innamorati: Italian term (no longer in common usage) to refer to the state of being 'in love'. It speaks of love not necessarily in the romantic sense, but in a more universal and profound way - the feeling of viewing a sunset from a lonely hill while the cold white snow glistens in the valleys below, the sight of stags fighting amongst the craggy mountain rocks, the feeling of satisfaction you experience when you see a really, really annoying person tripping upon the banana skin of their failed lives. All these feelings, and more, are manifest in the music of...