the fore thoughts | fr

Forevermore is a five-piece metalcore band from Indianapolis, USA. Band Members: Kramer Lowe - Vocals Jared Storm - Guitar Alex Smith - Guitar Sammy Vaughn - Drums Michael Taylor - Bass Former Members: Jordan Furr - Vocals Derek Belser - Bass/ Guitar Drew Beechler - Bass Discography: "Moths and Rust" (June 2010) "Sojourner" (December 2012) "Telos" (July 2014) .
Foreigner est un groupe de rock américain formé à New York en 1976 par deux guitaristes expérimentés Mick Jones et Ian McDonald ainsi qu'un chanteur jusqu'alors inconnu, Lou Gramm. A ce jour, le groupe a vendu plus de 50 millions d'albums à travers le monde. .
Originally known as Slaves, Pleasure Forever was a rock band on Sub Pop Records. Their music is generally dark, and has a somewhat gothic/cabaret feel. Lyrical content (while heavily distorted on Alter) can be vague but is usually concerned with images of hedonism, lust, weakness of man, death and similar themes. Piano, keyboard and synthesizer are very dominant in their sound as well as very fuzzy, soft guitar sounds. With the exception of Sonny Kay, Pleasure Forever features all the members of The VSS. They released two albums, Pleasure Forever, and Alter. The album "Bodies Need Rest" containing cover songs,...
FORETASTE "Beautiful Creatures“ -- "Que les amoureux de l'électro raffinée, allant à l'essentiel se joignent à moi pour saluer cette création signée Boredom Product. Foretaste fait preuve d'efficacité avec sa 'Discordance' s'articulant sur une mélodie soignée. L'auditeur se souvient avec nostalgie des sons qui ont marqué ses jeunes années ('Killing disco machine'), à l'époque où la musique diffusait de l'émotion et non pas de fausses sensations. 'That smiling man' possède en lui les beats et les échos sonores communicatifs tandis que 'You're trying hard to look human' masque derrière un son minimal toute l'étrangeté d'un vécu à modérer. Le titre...
Diamonds Are Forever is metalcore band from Cluj-Napoca Romania. In the late of September 2011 they merge from two already existing bands and start sharing songs. In November the band joins Global Battle of the Bands Romania and the end up in the competition Finals. By December they released the first EP - 4 song material entitled "Whom shall I fear". Also along the EP the first video was recorded for the song The eyes of blinded sorrow. The release party was a success and was considered the 2'nd best release party of 2011 by Awards. Also at the...