Wulfin Lieske | fr

Alina Lieske sits at the piano and sings. Warm, full of energy and impressively alterable. She stands for Jazz and Soul and presents her thoughts and messages in both english and german. They are never cold and always authentic. Her charisma and voice over four octaves are changing between sensual depths of blues and girl-like clear soprano. Alina Lieske emerged through theatre and musical productions at the Maxim Gorki Theater ("Ghetto", "Der Freischütz"), at the Theater des Westens ("Cyrano"), the Neuköllner Oper ("Blume von Hawaii"), through movie and TV-productions and her beautiful solo parts "Bei mir bist Du schön", "Between...
Fifteen years working with dance music, has produced one of the most promising producers from Spain. Roman Lieske, the name to look out for in 2004. He has been working for many years under various pseudonyms and producing for many artists. In 2004 Roman Lieske decided concentrate and start releasing under his name. the outcome has produced one off Spain’s hottest producers. This has led to Roman exporting his sound via his DJing to many clubs around the globe. Roman Lieske has released tracks on some of Spain’s most prominent labels, Stereo-Productions, Solar and Beat Freak Recordings. He has also...