Twisted Halo | fr

Shalom byla česká kapela hrající v letech 1992–1996 (některé zdroje uvádějí konec skupiny v roce 1994. Tvořili ji Petr Muk, Petr Kučera a Petr Hons, kteří spolu působili již v českobudějovické skupině Oceán, jenž se rozpadl v roce 1993. Trio hudebníků doplňovaly vokalistky Jana Benetová, Jana Feriová a Jana Badurová. V období po sametové revoluci, kdy existovala skupina Oceán složená ze spolužáků základní školy, se její dva členové bratři Dušan a Jan Vozáryové odmítali nadále podílet na produkci písní, které byly stylově jednoduché a neodpovídaly zaměření produkce skupiny. Došlo k dohodě, že nebudou zařazeny do repertoáru kapely, ale že je...
Twisted is the home of five artists: 1. A garage-punk/emo band from Leeds, UK (pictured): 2. Metal act from Switzerland 3. A five-piece from Bristol, UK: 4. Dutch three-piece rockband: 5. German dubstep producer Christian Murariu, also known as Twisted and Goldfinger. One fourth of dubstep group Dutty Dubz. .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Halo of Flies was a noise rock band from Minneapolis. Named after an Alice Cooper song, Halo of Flies was formed in 1986 by Tom Hazelmeyer, John Anglim and Tim Mac. Over the next 5 years they released a series of 7 inch singles and mini LP’s starting with a limited edition, hand numbered single called “Rubber Room”. These singles were released on Hazelmeyer’s label Amphetamine Reptile Records and were later compiled on a CD (Insect Music for Insect Minds) in 1991. Sales of Halo of Flies records was assisted...
It's 1:23 a.m. on June 8, 2011, where I am now, which means it's 4:23 a.m. on Long Island, New York. Exactly six years ago, in a quiet parking lot, you may or may not have found me asleep inside the van in which I was living. I was a waiter - often working late and usually going out for a couple of beers after my shift. Some nights, I could catch a shower at the 24-hour gym near work. On others, I would settle for a wipe-down with wet napkins and brushing my teeth with a cup of water....
Twisted Sister est un groupe de heavy metal et de glam metal américain officiellement créé en février 1973 mais qui n'enregistrera son premier album-démo, Ruff cutts, qu'en 1982 chez Secret Records. Twisted Sister est surtout connu pour ses deux plus grands succès: We're Not Gonna Take It et I Wanna Rock, des classiques du glam metal. .