Too Small | fr

Small World formed in November 1979 when Chris Philpott and Mick Cohen, who were already mates, met up with John Wratten who was looking to get into a band. The three had common musical influences/tastes based mainly on post-punk new wave (Jam, Clash, Buzzocks etc..) and sixties guitar-based bands (Small Faces, Kinks, Beatles). Initially the band had trouble getting a permanent drummer and it wasn't until August 1980 that an advert in the local paper resulted in Andy Orr joining the band. From that point on the band were ready to start doing some live work. With a set consisting...
3 Feet Smaller est un groupe de pnuk-rock d'Autriche formé en 2000. Membres : Actuellement: * Marcus Smaller – chant, guitare (2000–aujourd'hui) * Roberto Franko – batterie (2000–aujourd'hui) * The General – basse (2008–aujourd'hui), basse / guitare (2004-2006) Membres fondateurs * El Howdy – basse (2005-2008) * Dipmaster - guitare (2000-2005) * Schorsch Zwiebelmayer – basse (2000-2004) .
Smalltown is a powerpop/punkband from Sweden with three members. Karl L on guitar and vocals, Karl T on drums and Lobbe on bass. .
Un jeune groupe vient encore d’éclore à Brooklyn l'indie mecque. Small Black est un duo formé par Juan Pieczanski et Jeff Curtin et catalogué fissa dans cette nouvelle vague glo-fi qui compte parmi ses adeptes Neon Indian, Memory Tapes, Washed Out, etc. Ils prodiguent un mélange particulier d’electro pop et de lo-fi shoegaze, comme sur un EP éponyme et inaugural où l’étincelle surgit (parfois) d’un chaos de claviers diarrhéiques, de beats souffreteux et de vocalises implorantes. À cette heure-ci, le meilleur morceau du groupe reste pourtant Kings Of Animals, un titre qui pare la crasse analogique d'une imparable morgue rockeuse....
Small Towns Burn a Little Slower were from Minneapolis MN. They were signed to New Jersey's indie label Triple Crown Records. After two records, the band decided to call it a day, playing their last show on February 9, 2008. .