Thalma de Freitas | fr

Nelson Freitas is born and raised in the Netherlands, with creativity and talent he constantly tries to refresh the world of Zouk music. Barely a teenager, Freitas learned to entertain through the art of hip-hop and throughout the years the flexibility of his talent allowed him to flow with changing vibes of the music industry. Once a break-dancer, then the front man of the infamous group Quatro Plus, a producer, a writer, a singer, engineer and now he is the owner of GhettoZouk Music, a label created by Nelson Freitas with artists as Chelsy Shantel & William araujo. With his...
Thalma de Freitas é cantora e atriz. Ela também faz parte da Orquestra Imperial. Seu EP "Thalma de Freitas" (EMI/Cardume, 2004) conta com as participações seu pai, o maestro Laércio das Neves, além de de Kassin, o lendário Wilson das Neves e o baixista Bebeto. Thalma de Freitas is a Brazilian singer and actress. She's also a member of Orquestra Imperial. Her EP "Thalma de Freitas" (EMI/Cardume, 2004) has guests as Laércio das Neves, Kassin, legendary drummer Wilson das Neves and Bebeto. .
Composer for the video game Another World (called Out of This World in the US). Jean-François Freitas has been credited on games developed by the following companies: Delphine Software International, Interplay Entertainment Corp .