Sandy Barber | fr

Né à West Chester (Pennsylvanie), il commence à composer dès l'âge de sept ans. Il étudie au Curtis Institute of Music à Philadelphie avant de devenir élève de l'American Academy de Rome en 1935. L'année suivante, il écrit son quatuor à cordes en si mineur, dont il arrangera plus tard le second mouvement — à la suggestion d'Arturo Toscanini — pour orchestre à cordes sous le nom Adagio for Strings, puis pour chœur sous le nom d'Agnus Dei. Ce mouvement est devenu très populaire : il est utilisé pour les funérailles d'État et les services commémoratifs publics des États-Unis depuis...
The serious start of Sandy comes in 1995, there is a club called “La Grange (Charente Maritime France)” that offers him a residency, he spins there every day from June to September 1995. During this event he meets David Duriez (private la Grange resident). From October to November 1995 they start to work together on an hardcore project which has been released on a label in Antwerp called ZOMBIE Records in January 1996. Meanwhile Sandy has another residency in a club called Café Face, which is also owned by the chief of “La Grange”. After his return to Belgium, Sandy...
Maverick English Folk! The Demon Barbers perform traditional English folk music, song and dance. The band consists of: Damien Barber - Vocals, Guitar, Concertina, Rapper Bryony Griffith - Fiddle, Vocals Will Hampson - Melodeon, Harmonica, Morris, Rapper Lee Sykes - Bass, Rapper Ben Griffith - Drums Damien Barber took the bold decision to become a professional folk musician at the end of the 1980s. He had strong folk credentials: raised in rural Norfolk and a regular (since the age of 5) at a folk club where Walter Pardon was resident, his other influences include Harry Cox, Sam Larner, Tony Hall...