Salada De Frutas | fr

Saladas de Frutas was a portuguese pop/progressive rock band, formed by Lena D'Água (ex-Beatnicks), Luís Pedro Fonseca and Zé da Ponte (ex-Homo Sapiens) in September 1980. The first album, "Sem Açúcar", was released that same year. They became best known for the single "Robot" (1981). Lena d'Água was fired from the band after one year and the band went on with Carlos Pereira on vocals, with whom they recorded two albums, "Se Cá Nevasse..." (1981) and "Crime Perfeito" (1982, as simply Salada). However, the new experimental sound, a departure from the early radio-friendly genre with Lena d'Água, resulted in weak...
A trouvé 42 Chansons, durée: 02:51:39
Histórias (Campanha Orquestrada)
salada de fruta
Se Cá Nevasse...
Histórias (Campanhas Orquestrada)
Outro Fruto Proibido
Feira Da ONU
Salada de Fruta
Se Cá Nevasse ...
Salada de Fruta
Local Do Crime
Olha o robot
Feira da ONU
Crime Perfeito
Outro Fruto Proibido
Popularidade Invertida
Fait A La Main (Trés Ancien)
Se cá nevasse
Ovo Da Páscoa
Fait a la main (Trés Ancien)
Salada de Fruta
On Voit La Mer D'ici
Rock Ricardo
Los Bandidos (Chica)